What does the < canvas > allow a developer to acheive? allows you to draw 2D graphics using JavaScript.
What is the importance of the closing `</ canvas > tag? Any content between the opening and closing tags is fallback content that will display only if the browser doesn’t support the < canvas > element.
Explain what the getContext() method does. Returns a render context object. The getContext() takes one argument which is the type of context. The 2D rendering context allows you to draw shapes, text, images, and other objects.
What is Chart.js and how it can be brought into your project? Chart.js provides a set of frequently used chart types, plugins, and customization options. Among many charting libraries for JavaScript application developers, Chart.js is currently the most popular one according to GitHub stars (~60,000) and npm downloads (~2,400,000 weekly).
List 3 different Chart types you can create using Chart.js.
What are some advantages to displaying data via a chart over a table? They’re easier to look at and convey data quickly.
How could Chart.js aid your previously created applications visually? In the “Salmon Cookies” lab, compared to the table we used, Chart.js could’ve been used to more easily display the difference in output at the shop locations. I think most of us would prefer to avoid a neighborhood that sells too many salmon cookies… it just doesn’t feel right, you know?